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On this page you’ll find:
Resources - things I’ve promoted (including from my blog)
Features - where I’ve been featured around the web
Recommended Reading - other great things I’ve found
TCK Training
Adult TCK Survey
It’s the final stretch for this groundbreaking survey on the longterm holistic health of Adult TCKs, including the impact of resilience factors experienced in childhood.
The Impact of Growing Up Overseas in the 21st Century
A book about TCK experiences, full of rich narrative as well as original research. Learn from hundreds of interviews and a survey of over 750 Adult TCKs. Whether you are raising kids abroad, grew up abroad, or care for these families, this book is for you.
Thongs or Flip Flops?
Australian kids overseas and what comes next
While there are a lot of resources for globally mobile families generally, there was nothing specific to the Australian context - until now! Full of stories and stats from over 200 Australian TCKs of diverse ages and experiences.
Targeted TCK Care is Effecive TCK Care
The fourth post in my series with data from a survey of 800 Adult TCKs. Here we look at information on three types of targeted training available to some TCKs - and what this implies for improving TCK care in general.
Mental Healhcare for TCKs
This third post in my latest seiries containing data on a survey of 800 Adult TCKs looks a types of mental healthcare TCKs had access to received, and found helpful.
Book Launch
My second book is now available! You are warmly invited to a Virtual Book Launch to celebrate, and learn more about this project - a sort of Misunderstood for Australians. -
Research Roundtable
Please come along to this roundtable to discuss exciting new research! Learn what we're doing and how you can help. (Yes - it will be recorded if you can't be there in person, register for access to the recording.)
Baggage Handling: Surveying ATCK Experiences with Mental Health
I had the pleasure of working with an intern earlier this year. She worked through the process from analysing data all the way to writing it up as this blog post. Read about how over half of Adult TCKs were impact by mental health concern, but not all of them received mental healthcare.
TCK Training
Virtual ATCK Processing Retreat
Did you grow up overseas? Did this experience impact you in ways you'd like to unpack - but you've had trouble finding people who understand why and how and international childhood might impact your adulthood? Don't miss out on the opportunity to join this virtual retreat! I highly recommend it.
Learning About the Experiences of Adult TCKs
I'm starting a new series of blog posts exploring a research survey of over 800 Adult TCKs I've never before published on. Read the series intro now to learn what it's all about!
FIGT Virtual Forum
I will be speaking at the FIGT Forum next month! The forum is all virtual, including a really fun hangout space in Kumospace, on the weekend of April 20-21. I will be telling a personal story of my own journey through the past four years, and what I've learned about moving forward even when things don't go to plan and you find yourself in unexpected places.
Tanya Crossman: Blog
Mobility is Tough on Kids: Here’s how you can help
Mobility can have negative impacts on long term health and that mobility impacts many TCKs. These figures should give us pause, with the result that we invest in preventive care and in proven protective factors to ensure all TCKs thrive both as children and as adults.
Survey of mental health services for TCKs and expats
Have you lived outside your passport country? Have you received support from a counsellor or coach? Please take part in this important survey, which will help in the creation of best practices for mental healthcare in these communities.
TCK Training
Helping TCKs Build Healthy Relationships with Their Passport Countries
Living abroad can create challenges when it comes to helping children know and love their passport countries. Gain insights into the complexities of TCK connection to place, and learn practical strategies for nurturing positive relationships with countries - especially the one/s you hold citizenship in.
The Beauty of Full Circle Moments
A year ago I wrote a post for A Life Overseas about the beauty of finding myself at a 'full circle' point in my life and work. I have revised it slightly to share again now, with continued gratitude for my return travel and to in-person work, even as I continue to live life in limbo.
TCK Training
The Art of Settling Well
Sometimes 'settling' seems like a bad word in TCK circles. But it doesn't have to be! I am leading a workship on The Art of Settling Well which goes live next week. I discuss what it is, why it matters, what holds us back, and how to move forward.
TCK Training
Impact of Childhood Global Mobility on Adult Wellness
Did you live in more than one country or live outside your passport country for at least a year before age 18? Please share your experiences in this important survey. It looks at childhood experiences - hard things, resilience building things, community support - as well as outcomes in adulthood.
Tanya Crossman: Blog
Making home an emotional oasis for your TCKs
After 18 years working with TCKs, spending time in so many countries, international schools, and other international communities, what is the one key thing I recommend to families living abroad? Making home an emotional oasis.
TCK Writers' Groups
Update after one month
If you are an Adult TCK who writes, and you're interested in joining one of the groups, let me know! Both zoom groups are going really well and I'm so thankful! Over the first 8 sessions, 23 different people logged in from 10 countries on 6 continents. And I added 6,700 words to my latest manuscript!
Tanya Crossman
I'm back! After a long, long period of silence, I have started up my newsletters again! I am taking on new projects, and I'm excited to share with you the things I am excited about. Click the link to read and sign up for future newsletters!
Tanya Crossman: Blog
Parallel Lives: TCKs, Parents and the Culture Gap
How parents experience life abroad, and how it affects them, is very different to the experience their children are having. This results in a 'culture gap' that can lead to misunderstandings and frustrations in the parent-child relationships. It doesn't have to be this way!
Tanya Crossman: Blog
The Blank Page
My first article of the new 2024 era is called The Blank Page, and in it I talk about how starting a new project can feel overwhelming - to the point that it feels impossible to even get started - and what I'm doing to move past my fear of the Blank Page.
TCK Training
ATCK Coffee Chats
Are you an Adult TCK? Want community with other Adult TCKs in an amazing virtual space? TCK Training has some great community options alongside the resources you get with their $8/month ATCK membership. Or, you can just get a community pass to hang out with other ATCKs!
TCK Training
Research-Based Wellbeing for International School Students
Do you work with students at an international school? Then this workshop is for you! I breakdown research SPECIFIC to international school students and apply this to wellbeing for students. As the Director of Research and International Education at TCK Training this workshop is right in the middle of my wheelhouse.
Tanya Crossman: Blog
Heart of a TCK, Part 1 - Everyone Leaves
Recently I have had a lots of conversations about the TCK ‘lesson’ that “everyone leaves” with Adult TCKs, parents of TCKs, and counsellors in international schools and other settings. I've heard variations on this theme for nearly 20 years. I think it's time to share this post from my popular “Heart of a TCK” series again…
TCK Training
Living in Limbo
My life has been all about Living In Limbo the last few years - I have more experience that I could ever wish for. My colleague Jessi and I took our experiences and turned them into a way to give back, sharing what we've learned about how to live well during unsettled and unknown seasons - something we all experience at times.
A Life Overseas
Research and Resources for Improving TCKs’ Mental Health
In this post I share a few key learnings from a survey of 800 AdulI TCKs. I discuss ATCKs’ mental health, plus offer resources for supporting TCKs and their families.
Among Worlds
Your Piece of the Tapestry
In this piece for an ATCK magazine I was able to write about the research I do at TCK Training and why I’m excited about the survey we’re currently running.
A Life Overseas
Accessing the Power of Good Debriefing
I mined my coworkers for their wisdom and brought it together in this article explaining what debriefs are, what a QUALITY debrief looks like, and different ways to access these services.
Chai with Ping
Adut TCKs Looking Back
I returned to the wonderful Chai With Ping podcast, for a conversation about Adult TCKs, and ways that a globally mobile childhood can impact adulthood.
Third Culture Kids
Organisational psychologist Trisha Carter investigates those moments where new understanding crystallises as a result of engaging with other cultures. I found her questions fascinating, and really enjoyed our conversation.
Why TCK research matters
TCK counsellor Maria interviewed me for this lovely post on research into TCK mental health and TCK Training's current survey.
A Life Overseas
What Missionary Kids See on the Field, Part 2 - Support that Lessen the Impact of Witnessed Trauma
A follow up post with practical suggestions for supporting families impacted by potentially traumatic events.
A Life Overseas
What Missionary Kids See on the Field, Part 1 - The Impact of Witnessed Trauma
I wrote about TCK Training's data on trauma in TCKs: "86% of missionary kids witnessed at least one potentially traumatic event; more than half witnessed potentially traumatic events regularly."
Talks with a TCK Friend Podcast
Normal Adult Third Culture Kids
I joined Filipina ATCK Marie Suazo, author of "Tales of a Diplomat Daughter," for a conversation about the lives of Adult TCKs - what's normal about the processing many ATCKs work through, and why so many feel alone in the emotional work they're doing.
Holding the Fort Abroad Podcast
How to be actively engaged as a parent - with Tanya Crossman
I’ve been cheering for Rhoda Bangerter throughout her journey as an author and now coach, consultant and podcaster. It was a delight to join her for this episode.
A Life Overseas
It takes a village – including for missionary families
I write about TCK Training's research on community for TCKs, specifically as it applies to missionary kids - what they need, and how we can help provide it.
A Life Overseas
How many years abroad is safe for kids?
"As we analyzed the data, something quickly became clear. Those who spent the least time outside their passport countries had the highest ACE scores. That is to say, living a shorter period of time abroad was associated with higher levels of abuse and neglect.”
TCK Training
Sources of Trauma in International Childhoods
I am co-author of this white paper, which shares what we discovered about ACE risks in TCKs impacted by a wide range of potentially traumatic events. There's a lot of data, and practical advice for supporting families.
Mosaiko Coaching
Facing the stress of a new job after an expat life or TCK childhood
Helen is a TCK based in France who works with expats and French repats. We talked about the stresses of repatration for TCKs and repats, with friends, family, and in the workplace, in a wide-ranging interview.
Among Worlds Magfazine
Cross-Cultural Intersectionality
I write about a passion of mine: “Without an understanding of the intersectionality that exists in the overlapping lives of cross-cultural kids, we risk oversimplifying their experiences.”
Diesel and Clooney Unpack the World
Mitigating Risk Research
Another great conversation on a favourite podcast: “Parents do feel like they're gambling with their kids' futures… A lot of our work in presenting this information is to say: it's not a gamble. We know what you can do."
A Life Overseas
What does the research say about TCKs attending boarding school?
I go through data specific to TCKs who attended boarding school. Every family situation is different; knowing what matters for TCKs and how this impacts education choice is most important.
The Expat Mom Podcast
How to Put on Emotionally Protective Armor for TCKs with Tanya Crossman
In this episode we talked about hopeful research and ways parents and caregivers can support globally mobile children for long term thriving.
The Expat Mom Podcast
Recent Research about TCKs and Mental Health with Tanya Crossman
We talked about my research with TCK Training on Adverse Childhood Experiences in the TCK population, among other things.
Taking Route
Journeying Through Limbo
I reflect on my extensive experience of living in limbo, and strategies I've learned for moving through this time instead of getting stuck.
A Life Overseas
The Beauty of Full Circle Moments
While on my first in-person school visits since the pandemic, I realised it was exactly three years since *everything* first happened - and I was back in the same place! This was therapeutic reflection to write.
the lonely diplomat podcast
Our kids are not OK - with Tanya Crossman
We go deep to talk more about difficult data, struggles many diplomat families face (both parents and children) and hope for how things can get better.
The Lonely Diplomat
Dressed for Press: the unseen struggle of diplomat families
I share statistics specific to the foreign service community, including some startling patterns we found while looking at this particular group of TCKs.
ISS NewsLinks: International School Services magazine
Caution and Hope: New research on Adverse Childhood Experiences among international school students calls for preventive care approach
I share key findings from the research I've been engaged in at TCK Training, and hope with appoaches that work.
Among Worlds
You Are Not Alone: The power of shared experiences
I explain how the research I work on looking at Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in globally mobile populations can help people who grew up this way feel validated, knowing that others share their experiences.
Recommended Reading
The American in Paris
Using Cookies to Learn More About the French
I enjoyed this article about making friends in a new culture - specifically, in France. The author uses a strategy I often advise: sharing a taste of a culture that is important to you!
More Than Grand
Bonding From a Distance
I loved this article for long-distance grandparents. This is another side of globally mobile families - those left behind. Seeing the increase in support for them, helping each side of the long-distance family relationships better understand each other, is wonderful.
Your passport country - an extra shade in your colour wheel
A poetic pondering of embracing multiple countries, and the in-between place of not feeling full ownership in your passport country yet not being permitted the outsider's perspective due to the privilege of citizenship.
"Transition Takes Time..." Reflections from an international school counsellor
The story of a student who learns over time to connect where she is rather that putting all her hope in an eventual return to the place and people she used to be with.
USA Today
'Will Palestine still exist when this war is over?' My answers to my children's questions.
This article touched me deeply. An ATCK mother speaks to her children, and shares her heart - and heritage - with us all.
Yahoo! Life
Channeling the Experience of a Third Culture Kid: Why you should embrace acculturation as an accelerator of personal growth
Looks at the positives of being thrown into new situations and being uncomfortable. Different to the power of adaptation seen in many TCK pieces.
Beyond borders: identity fluidity among ‘third culture’ students in Cambridge
This great article shares stories of various CCKs/TCKs studying at Cambridge in the UK, weaving through themes of home and identity.
Are you really ‘from Cyprus’?
I enjoyed this article on the complexities of 'home' and identity located in a particular space: in this case, Cyprus.
‘My Dear Yeast’ – An Interview with Poet Melanie Hyo-In Han
I love this interview with TCK poet Melanie Hyo-In Han! She touches on so many things I know will resonate with anyone who has grown up cross-culturally.
International Women's Day: How Travelling Enriched My Experience As A Woman
I really enjoyed this interview with two CCKs - a TCK and a child of two TCKs - attending university in England.
Home is a Feeling
Australian comedian Sashi Perera used to be a refugee lawyer and was raised as a Sri Lankan TCK. And I love her. I follow her on social media, watch her comedy, and subscribe to her newsletter. Most recently, she shared some beautiful TCK-style reflections on the nature of home.
A Chameleon Among Us
An ATCK discusses how her mobility impacted the way she interacted with friends throughout childhood - and what she is doing about it now, as an adult.
The Varsity
Arts & Culture, Lost in Translation
Michelle Yoonseo Lee beautifully expresses the frustration of being caught between languages, specifically when expressing emotion. This is a common experience among TCKs and immigrant kids.
Gomantak Times
Being a Third Culture Kid from Goa
Maya, an Indian TCK raised in Kuwait, explains intrafamily conflict TCKs often face when their relatives place unrealistic expectations on them to have a strong connection to a ‘homeland’ they have never lived in.
Helen Ellis
They Seem to Have Mislaid the ‘Reply’ Button
Thoughtful piece from the author of the Distance Families series of books. It discusses relational upset that can happen between when the level of distance family communication isn’t satisfactory.
The East-Hampton Star
Mary Boochever: Land and Water, Yin and Yang
A different TCK-themed treasure - a profile of an artist who grew up in a US foreign service family. I really enjoyed hearing about her different influences across time and space.
Business Insider
I moved back to the US when I was 14. After years of living abroad, it was a culture shock to come back.
Story of a young TCK repatriating from an international school abroad to a local school in her native USA, and the bumps along the way to finding a way to thrive.
Embodied Radio Show
Citizens of the world: growing up as a third culture kid
Host Anita Rao meets with two families, the Heides and the Trans, to discuss their third culture experiences across multiple countries.
The New Arab
'Being a third culture kid has its pros': Egyptian artist Bayou on the craft of bilingual lyrics and building bridges with music
Beautiful article of one TCK interviewing another about his music, traversing the ways music speaks both through and beyond language, and can embrace and integrate the varied cultural influences of a TCK.
Reaching & Teaching
Are the Kids Alright? An Introduction to Missionary Kids and the Sending Church
“Crossman notes that the best way to help is to let MKs process their frustrations and feelings about these issues…space and permission [for this] will help to alleviate many common problems.”
Sassy Mama
‘I’m a foreigner in my own country’ SG Mama Shares What It Means To Be A Third Culture Kid (TCK)
A really lovely piece by a Singaporean TCK that I think is a perfect reflection during holiday seasons, when so many people gather with friends and/or family.
Thai PBS World
A life of the “third culture” kid
Great little video co-produced by Thai PBS World and Stamford International University, telling the story of a TCK: Meet Kyle Dante, a Filipino raised in Thailand, who explains life growing up as a “third culture” kid."
W Magazine
In Koreatown Dreaming, Photographer Emanuel Hahn Pays Homage to a Vibrant Community
A beautiful third-culture-kid photography project I stumbled upon: “Photography gave me a tool not just to observe but to document. To share how I saw the world and what I thought was interesting,”
The Daily Star
Being a Third Culture Kid
Short read by Bangladeshi TCK Syeda who grew up in Saudi Arabia. It has the dreaminess of nostalgia while powerfully demonstrating a snapshot of the gain-and-loss that comes with a Third Culture childhood.
Education Times
A Sporting Chance
"Having grown up in a number of different places outside of his country of birth, and now having travelled throughout much of the world as an adult Dhruv has embraced many of the nuances and idioms from other cultures into the person he is today."
NBC News
The chronically online third culture is redefining Asian America
Fascinating article about different ways that Gen Z are using TikTok to share and learn about cultures. "I did want to embrace my Indian culture, but I had no one to do it with outside of my family.”
Old Gold & Black
Life through the Lens: Ameera Moinuddin
This profile of a first year TCK university student in the US is poignant, and includes a wonderful explanation of the complexities of 'where are you from?'
National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)
How Schools Can Better Support Third Culture Kids
I was quite impressed with the quality of advice and practical suggestions here for anyone in education, especially those who are probably unknowingly receiving TCKs into their schools.
American Foreign Service Association (AFSA)
Third Culture Kids: The Enduring Effects of Formative Years in Cairo
This amazing article is well worth the read, full of stories from a shared TCK childhood in Egypt recounted by childhood friends reconnecting 60 years later!
The Time Zone Blind Spot
As a remote worker with colleagues scattered across the globe - and rarely anywhere near my timezone - the "time zone blind spot" is a familiar concept to me. I liked the various way it can affect teams are broken down.
Washington Business Journal
My Story: Nailsaloon's Andréa Vieira says empathy can't be a one-way street
This story of a Brazilian TCK's journey through countries and languages, but more than that it is an examination of human empathy and understanding. There is both comfort and challenge in these poignant words.
The International Educator (TIE)
Reflections on a Globally Mobile Student Life
Wonderful interview with author and ATCK diplomat kid Lena Lee. “Growing up, everything changed every three years: not only my house, school, and friends but the food, the language, the culture, the climate, and the color of people’s skin. Everything. And with it, inevitably, me.”
Hour Detroit
Detroit Chef to Release First Cookbook
I enjoyed reading about Jon Kung's story and cooking journey, and how they are exploring their third culture experiences through food - and inviting others to join in.
Kids' Activities
20 Smart & Simple Ideas for Storytelling with Kids
Storytelling is a powerful tool, especially for anyone with experiences to unpack - and that includes TCKs! These crafty storytelling prompts are full of great ideas of parallel play with kids, to help get the stories started.
UGA Today
Zuzka Vaclavik: Third Culture Kid
Profile of artist Zuzka Vaclavik and her cross-cultural journey, spanning three continents. “Where is your home? Where do you belong? That’s something a lot of people can relate to.”
Emirates Woman
8 inspiring things I learned as a third culture kid in Dubai
Sarah Joseph writes about growing up as a TCK in Dubai: "When people ask “Where are you from?”, my brain starts to do the math... I eventually realised that these differences are what gave me my own individual identity."

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supporting my work
I believe in the great importance of the research and writing work that I do, but this is work that comes without a salary. I have a Patreon account, where patrons who share this vision sponsor my work, helping me financially so I can devote more time and effort to what amounts to volunteer work on my part. These patrons receive a few benefits, chief among which is exclusive information from my on-going research and sneak peeks of where my writing is headed. For $2 a month you too can become one of my patrons, and hear all the latest about my research and writing. Higher tiers include benefits such as a handwritten postcard from me, submitting a question to be answered as a blog post on this website, and discounts on my workshops.

MISunderstood: The Impact of Growing Up Overseas in the 21st Century
Misunderstood is my first book, published in 2016. It explains the TCK childhood experience to those who have not experienced it. It also provides TCKs with validation and recognition: others felt the same way they did, and their feelings and experiences make sense in context. I have received countless emails and other messages from teenage and adult TCKs who read my book and were astounded that others had put their own thoughts into words, and found comfort and understanding they believed was impossible.
Misunderstood is based on a decade of experience working with TCKs in Asia, along with hundreds of interviews with TCKs around the world and an original survey of 744 adult TCKs. Whether you grew up overseas, are raising children overseas, or know a family living abroad, Misunderstood will equip you with insights into the international experience, along with practical suggestions for how to offer meaningful care and support.
What experts are saying about Misunderstood:
“Misunderstood is a must-read for anybody trying to deepen their understanding of the TCK experience and how international mobility affects a child. Tanya Crossman’s collection of unique real-life stories will not only resonate with TCKs, but will also inspire empathy and understanding for anyone who has ever transitioned.”
Valerie Besanceney, International Education Consultant and Author
“If I were moving overseas with my kids today, this is the book I’d want in my hand luggage. Misunderstood updates the gold standard of TCK research for today’s families, weaving detailed information together with compelling personal narrative, giving a voice to this generation of kids growing up overseas, and fostering understanding with those who love and care for them.”
Kay Bruner, MA Licensed Professional Counselor and Author
“It’s hard to imagine a more thorough – or more thoughtful – treatment of the dynamics of being a TCK. Crossman’s survey results alone make this an invaluable contribution to the field, but it is the compelling voices of TCKs themselves, generously cited throughout, that will leave a lasting impression. Anyone who is a TCK or who cares about them will find insights on every page.”
Craig Storti, Director of Communicating Across Cultures and Author of many books