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I believe in the great importance of the research and writing work that I do, but this is work that comes without a salary. I have a Patreon account, where patrons who share this vision sponsor my work, helping me financially so I can devote more time and effort to what amounts to volunteer work on my part. These patrons receive a few benefits, chief among which is exclusive information from my on-going research and sneak peeks of where my writing is headed. For $2 a month you too can become one of my patrons, and hear all the latest about my research and writing. Higher tiers include benefits such as a handwritten postcard from me, submitting a question to be answered as a blog post on this website, and discounts on my workshops.

MISunderstood: The Impact of Growing Up Overseas in the 21st Century

Misunderstood is my first book, published in 2016. It explains the TCK childhood experience to those who have not experienced it. It also provides TCKs with validation and recognition: others felt the same way they did, and their feelings and experiences make sense in context. I have received countless emails and other messages from teenage and adult TCKs who read my book and were astounded that others had put their own thoughts into words, and found comfort and understanding they believed was impossible.

Misunderstood is based on a decade of experience working with TCKs in Asia, along with hundreds of interviews with TCKs around the world and an original survey of 744 adult TCKs. Whether you grew up overseas, are raising children overseas, or know a family living abroad, Misunderstood will equip you with insights into the international experience, along with practical suggestions for how to offer meaningful care and support.

What experts are saying about Misunderstood: